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Writer's pictureOneLife

God Is...

In our fast-paced, often chaotic world, it's easy to lose sight of the enormity of God. We may think of God in familiar terms—our guide, our comforter, perhaps even our friend—but to truly grasp the vastness of God is to embark on a lifetime journey of awe and wonder.

The truth is... we can never reach the depths of who God least not while on this earth. We can search day and night, going deeper and deeper, and always discover more! Discovering God is a beautiful mystery but going deeper into Him also enriches and empowers our daily life.

In a world that often feels small and confined, the vastness of who God is can bring us hope and inspiration. By embracing his enormity, we can navigate life’s complexities with a renewed sense of purpose and connection. So, let us open our hearts to the mystery, love, and wisdom of God, and allow ourselves to be transformed by being near to Him.

The Bible offers us rich and varied descriptions of His character, revealing that God is both majestic and intimately involved in our lives. In our search for Him, it’s vital to remember that God is not distant or unknowable. He invites us to know Him through His Word, His creation, and His presence in our lives in personal and tangible ways.

We've made a chart highlighting just a few of the many ways the Bible describes who God is. We encourage you today to look toward God and ask, "In what new way do you want me to see you today?" I hope you can use this chart as a starting place to discover more of who God is and consequently more of who he wants to be for you today.

God, in what new way do you want me to see you today?


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