OneLife Podcast!
Have you checked out our podcast? Tiffany and Tim are co-hosting the OneLife Nashville Podcast having…
rare but vital conversations about Jesus.
We love Jesus and think he's the best. Since he's at the core of who we are, we decided he should be the main topic of our podcast conversations. In trying to truly understand who he is, and why he is essential to our life, we have found it helpful to take a chronological approach to his life - and we don't mean Bethlehem.
Our podcast starts off by going all the way back to the Trinity - to the relationship Jesus had with the Father, and the Spirit. Then, we move through creation and the rest of the Bible, drawing out key themes in the story that help us make sense of Jesus, his church, and his mission.
But be warned - we did say our conversations about Jesus are rare... There's a good chance you will hear things you don't normally hear in a sermon at a church service. You can listen right here on our website or your platform of choice. We hope you will check it out, subscribe, and share!